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Jackie Chan - The Clown Prince Of Kung Fu

Jackie Chan is a highly successful martial arts actor who was born on the 7th of april 1954. Jackie grew up in a Peking Opera Acadamy where he learned acrobatics , singing , mime and kung fu. His time spent training was from 5 a.m to midnight. He made his debut on film in 1962 with "Big And Litle Wong Tin Bar" a peking opera production. He grew up whith Samo Hung and Yuen Biao who would later star inmany of Jackie's films. In 1971 he had his firstadult film role in "Litle Tiger From Canton". In1972 he became a stunt man in such films as "Fist of Fury" wich was a Bruce Lee movie. In 1973 he had his first starring role in "The Litle Tiger of Guangdong" wich brought litle success. In 1975 Jackie had a small role in the early John Woo film "Hand Of Death". Lo Wei a film director/producer contracted Jackie in 1976 for six movies wich didn't bring very much success. In 1977 Jackie was loaned to director Ng See Yuen and made the smash hit "Snake In Eagles Shadow" wich was a major turning point in his career. By 1978 Jackie was the most popular martial arts actor in Hong Kong from such hits as "Drunken Master". In 1980 he made his American film debut in "Big Brawl" but it failed at the box office .In 1983 Jackie completed the smash hit "Project A" which co-starred Yuen Biao and Samo Hung. Jackie attempted to make success in the U.S with the cop movie "The Protector" in 1985 but the film was a failure. Jackie decided to make his own cop movie caled "Police Story" and when it was released in 1986 it was a huge success and is still today regarded as his best movie. Also in 1986 he completed the hit movie "The Armour Of God" which was an adventure simular to "Indiana Jones". Jackie in 1989 was offered the role as the villian in the American production "Black Rain" which starred Michael Douglas but he declined the offer. Jackie finally made success in America with "Rumble In The Bronx" in 1996 . The film was the number one movie for it's first week of release in the U.S . This was a ground breaking movie for Jackie because it made him a world star. Jackie later made "Rush Hour" in 1998 wich co-starred comedy star Chris Tucker. "Rush Hour" was a huge hit world wide . Jackie has had a very successful career and is probably the biggest Hong Kong star since Bruce Lee. One thing that sets him apart from other action stars is that he performs all his own stunts wich are often amazing. Jackie has nearly killed himself while performing his stunts on a few occasions. The closest to death Jackie has been from a stunt was in "The Armour Of God " where he fell from a tree branch and smacked his head on a rock, which caused a skull fracture and a ruptured inner ear. This incident required emergency surgery at a clinic in Jugoslavia where the film was being made. Jackie is one of the worlds most popular action stars and also one of the most compassionate as he has donated and worked for several charities throughout his career.

By Michael Retter - Click image to go to Jackies review section

Click Image to go to Jackie Chans movie review section

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